Contrary to popular belief, sex positively affects the body, the mind, and emotions. Sex may reduce stress, burn calories, improve heart health, and aid with discomfort. How frequently must you engage in sexual activity to enjoy the benefits?
Putri Cinta, a well-known Indonesian model, describes the advantages of sex. Yes, there are numerous benefits to having a healthy sexual life. Is there a difference in the benefits of sex for men and women? It is a common issue that people ask themselves.
Sex can help engage your pelvic muscles, aiding with urine incontinence and bladder control for women and individuals designated female at birth.

For guys, especially those born with the gender of a man, ejaculating or having frequent orgasms has advantages of its own.

Let's go right to the advantages. As follows:

  • Burns calories
  • Helps with heart health
  • Helps your immune system.
  • Reduce pain and stress.
Let's discuss all of the above points.

Burns Calories

According to a study, having sex may burn around 150 calories each hour, a mild exercise. Don't stop going to the gym, though. The American Heart Association advises individuals to engage in muscle-strengthening activities like lifting weights at least twice a week and at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week.

Helps with Heart Health

According to research, women who engaged in regular intercourse had a lower risk of developing a cardiovascular incident later in life. Contrary to past findings, the same study cautions that having sex can raise a man's risk of cardiovascular problems. Men should discuss their chances of having a heart attack during sex with their doctor as the risk of having a heart attack increases during physical activity for persons experiencing heart disease symptoms.

It Helps Your Immune System

According to research, those who have sex once or twice a week have higher immunoglobulin A (IgA) levels in their saliva. The antibody aids in preventing sickness and can protect against the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Additionally, oxytocin is released by your body during an orgasm. Because you're getting the rest your body requires to heal, getting adequate sleep or good sleep can also strengthen your immune system. An established Indonesian model named Putri Cinta concurs that your immune system benefits from regular sex.

Reduce Your Pain and Stress

Your body releases endorphins during intercourse. Your body uses those endorphins as a natural painkiller. Research suggests that having sex may also help those with headaches or migraines feel less discomfort. Those who experience discomfort during sexual activity might also benefit from it. Regular sexual activity helps to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and lessen discomfort.
Your body's primary stress hormone is cortisol. Your cortisol levels increase when you are under stress.
However, studies suggest that those who engage in sexual activity or close physical contact with their partners see a return of their cortisol levels to normal.
Your body's production of oxytocin and endorphins during sex may aid in lowering cortisol levels.

Bottom Line

The advantages of frequent sex are numerous. We hope you will heed the advice from Putri Cinta, who explains how having sex regularly helps us stay healthy. Visit her website to learn more about numerous fascinating sex-related facts.