We now understand that being sexy is more about a certain je ne sais quoi. The general misconception regarding being sexy entails meticulous grooming, form-fitting clothing, and heavy makeup. Putri Cinta thinks sexiness is in the eye of the beholder.

However, if you're looking for ways to improve your attractiveness, you'll be relieved to know that most of them are free and take very little time. Here are some quick ways to become sexier.


·         Always make eye contact:

Not just with your partner but with every person you interact with. It boosts your confidence and makes people perceive you as confident and in control, which usually translates to sexy.


  • Focus on dynamic attractiveness:

While physical beauty is important in innate sex appeal, dynamic attractiveness includes emotional expression and underlying personality. It can also significantly increase your charisma.

Your smiling, positive attitude and expressive eyes are all associated with sex appeal.


  • Humour is important:

We all know that razor-sharp wit isn't something that people can teach. In addition, everyone appreciates a good sense of humour. So, we can't all be truly funny all of the time. However, not taking yourself or the world around you too seriously is important for being sexy.


  • Try on some sexy underwear:

Lingerie came to be associated with tawdry. While this is true in some ways, many very elegantly sexy underpinnings are sexy without being tacky.


  • Don't assume that showing more is sexier:

You've heard it before: showing a lot of skin isn't always a sign of sexiness. Do you adore your body and want to flaunt it? Amazing! Do it in manners that are truly sexy rather than flashy. Bootie shorts, skin-tight clothing, and ridiculously low-cut tops can all make you appear less sexy or as if you're trying too hard.


  • Touch your skin:

Yes, we're going there. Masturbators know what they want when intimate with someone else, which only adds to their sex appeal.


  • Slow down:

According to Putri Cinta, slowing down your movements and speech by 10 to 20% can make you sexier right now.

Instead of rushing down the hall, slow down and emphasise your movements.


  • Increase sex initiation:

It is sexy in the literal sense! Even if you're not particularly assertive, initiate sex with your partner more frequently. It is a turn-on in and of itself, but it also implies to your partner that you purely enjoy sex, which is one of the most powerful.


  • Use your hands:

A killer, sexy way to get someone's attention? When you're saying hello or goodbye, lightly touching them on the arm or back is okay.


  • Set yourself a challenge:

Whether at work or something as simple as taking an advanced fitness class instead of a beginner one, success will give you an air of confidence that will carry with you and make you much sexier.


  • Allow your natural scent to do the work:

It's no surprise that scent plays a big role in sex appeal, but—contrary to what perfume companies would have you believe—piling on a cloud of scented spray isn't your best bet. A light spritz of a musky scent is sufficient in addition to good hygiene habits, but you should be letting your natural pheromones flare.


  • Be considerate:

No matter how attractive you are, nothing will diminish your natural sex appeal faster than being rude to others. You don't have to kiss people's asses and be phoney, but treating everyone—wait staff, friends, new people, and your elders—with basic kindness and respect is an appealing quality.


  • Invest in yourself:

It doesn't compulsorily mean spending a lot of money on material items. But rather, putting effort into the things you know makes you look and feel sexy, whether it's something as simple as new bras and underwear, something more transformative like keratin treatments, or something more cerebral like enrolling in a class.


  • Switch on the lights:

Sure, having sex in the dark can be sexy and natural, but try turning on the lights now and then. Light a slew of candles or invest in a dimmer. It will feel more spontaneous, but it will also allow you to see each other, which can be extremely hot.


  • Ask the appropriate questions:

On a date, it's a safe bet that asking questions will always result in a flowing conversation.


Love you feel for your partner is the topmost thing in your relationship. It's perfectly normal and healthy if it requires some effort. If you want to look attractive, follow those tips from Putri Cinta.