We understand that when you and your lover become intimate, the ultimate goal is wonderful sex. But, before you turn off the lights, there are a few subjects you and your partner should jointly discuss if you want to avoid an awkward time in bed.

 Knowing each other's desires, preferences, and sexual history is essential for getting things started right. Here's some terrific advice from Putri Cinta on how to get there.

Discuss Fetishes, Fantasies, and Desires:

A sex and relationship expert believes that discussing desires and fetishes is beneficial to couples. It may be too shocking to spring your furry fetish on your lover in the middle of the night when you're in bed with them. Oils, lotions, and potions are all quite commonplace. 

Those aren't worth debating. If you're a bondage queen or a hidden dominatrix, though, let your lover know. It will provide you with a distinct advantage!

When pleasure gadgets are brought up, many men and women become ashamed. They may be the answer to a stale sexual life. 

Toys aren't only for children! Sex can become commonplace, especially in long-term relationships. Fun accessories can turn up the heat, from simple and gorgeous lotions to hairy handcuffs.

You should never take your lover's bedroom hobbies for granted. When it comes to sex, talking about what's on the table helps to define boundaries. 

When most people think of "sex," they think of vaginal intercourse. You can also keep track of anal and oral sex. Are you willing to participate in all three?

Talk about your sexual history as well as your plans:

Remember how your sex education instructor warned you in high school that when you have sex with someone, you're having sex with everyone they've ever had sex with? As revolting as it seemed at the time, the truth is that they were correct. 

You must first learn about a person's sexual history, including diseases, partner genders, and testing histories. If someone hasn't been tested for STDs in the last six months, their findings aren't updated. 

Don't rely on your partner to keep an eye on your best interests. Putri Cinta reminds you that the task is solely yours. Always be proactive. One of your responsibilities is your sexual wellness. You might be harmed by what you don't know.

It's fine to start over as a couple. Few experts believe that the experience can be more useful than you might think and that testing with your partner can be an oddly enjoyable encounter.

 It's undoubtedly one that leaves you feeling terrific about having a clean slate and prioritising your health — in other words, a win-win situation. 

Family planning is a crucial element of any pre-sex discussion, and Some recommend that you also discuss birth control techniques with your partner. Nothing is more difficult than dealing with an unintended pregnancy before either of you is ready to start a family.

Make certain that you're exclusive:

Is it possible that your partner has another? Whether you like it or not, not everyone has the same definition of a committed relationship. In a sexual relationship, women should never assume exclusivity. 

You should question your partner if they're dating or marrying someone else upfront. It's easier to avoid confusion by having open and honest discussions about whether or not you're sexually exclusive.

Swap the routine as your comfort:

Knowing and sharing your sex routines is essential for a happy and rewarding sex life that you and your partner can be proud of. You enjoy it in the mornings, while they prefer the evenings. You're fine with having sex three times a week, but your spouse prefers three times a month. 

It's possible that your sexual calendars aren't the same. You can have various sexual frequencies. It is vital to know because a nocturnal person may personally take a morning sex rejection, but he must be aware that you transform into a vixen at night.

Don't Keep Your Sexual Secrets to Yourself:

The sexual history is crucial, and it might involve more than just test results and STD exposure. Unfortunately, many African American women and men have been victims of sexual trauma and abuse in many forms. 

It's a good plan for couples to be honest about what has happened to them, to have a healthy sexual expression in the bedroom. The good, the bad, and the ugly are all present.

Final thoughts

We think that if you having sexual talks or disclosing your sexual history makes you uncomfortable, strive to be more friendly with your partner. 

The discussion will bring you closer together. Putri Cinta makes every effort to get through your narrative despite the embarrassment.