Know The Top 5 Reasons Why Couple Should Do Role Play

Yes, sex is wonderful in a new love relationship! But, contrary to popular belief, the allure of it all fades, and you'll soon find yourself bored with the same partner. The thrill of discovery or anything new to look forward to wouldn't be there. In this case, Putri Cinta suggests role play. It can be an excellent idea for reviving your sagging sex life.

Why is Role-Playing Beneficial to Your Sexual Life?

Sex that becomes monotonous can be disastrous for your sex life. As a result, you must occasionally spice things up. Role-playing can help you with this. It injects a lot of fantasy and imagination into your sex life, making you and your partner look forward to getting the time of your lives.

How often should you indulge in this game?

§ Role-playing Can be a Lot of Fun!

When you and your partner limit yourselves to only a few basic sex positions, things might not work. Those positions may include missionary or simple spooning; sex can become very monotonous. When role play comes into the picture, things can get wild! Role-playing in physical intimacy can be a refreshing change from your mundane sex lives. Turning up to your love partner as a stranger looking to get steamy in the bedroom or playing the dominant role for a change can get things heated.

§ It Enables You to Overcome Your Inhibitions:

Most people are hesitant to try role-playing because they struggle with being overly sexual. Not only that but they are hampered by their fear of what the other individual will think of them. While all of your concerns are understandable, don't forget that your partner is probably just as eager to try it out as you are. Try to have an open discussion with him to ensure that your concerns are resolved before you jump on the couch or bed!

§ It Gives Your Character a Spark:

Role play can increase your confidence. It feels you more conscious and intimate about your body and gives your character a spark. It will work because you've tried something new and exciting, which has most likely resulted in great sex.

§ How to do it Correctly is Important:

Get as much into character as possible by wearing appropriate costumes, makeup, and props. Choose exciting music that fits your theme and use it well during foreplay. If you're new to role playing, try not to use too many distracting props and keep it simple.

§ It Provides a Range of Options:

You can be whoever you want in the bedroom. You have various options, from teacher-student fiction to cop-convict fantasy. Even you may just try to pretend that your partner is a random stranger you picked up from the bar.

Talking about sex is very important for young couples. It may be essential for you to spice up your sex routine for a better intimate moment with your partner. Hence, you can listen to the suggestions of Putri Cinta regarding role play for your next lousy sex.

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