Top 4 Tips To Enjoy A More Pleasurable Sex By Putri Cinta

You have no idea how or when it happened. You used to have fantastic sex, but now it's just not the same. Like Putri Cinta states, you'd rather watch TV shows at 11 p.m. than have a passionate session with your lover or yourself!. Sex is so predictable, even when you work up the energy. The thrill, even the passion, has vanished.

Are you ready to start your fire? Here's how you can enjoy fantastic sex or good sex! even if you think things have become a bit stale.

1. You should feel comfortable in your own skin.

Give yourself a reality check to increase your body confidence. Take a glance around you the next time you're in the shop or the gym at all the lovely women of all shapes and sizes. Remind yourself that there is no such thing as an ideal. After that, write down what your lover likes about your physique. Every morning, go over the list. Finally, give yourself a compliment. Stand naked in front of the mirror at least once a week and focus on your best qualities, both inside and out. Touch each component and speak loudly about what you enjoy about it to help reinforce your feelings.

2. Establish a link between your thoughts and your body.

Consider the times in your life when you were entirely at ease in your own skin, says Putri Cinta. Maybe it's after a long run when your heart is racing and you're both relaxed and elated. Perhaps it's when you practice yoga and achieve a state of mind-body fusion. It's likely that this doesn't happen frequently enough. To rekindle the relationship, do something that makes you feel good in your own skin at least once a day—get a massage, go apple picking with your kids, put on the pants that instantly raise your ego.

3. Abstain from sex.

Yes, it's radical, but it's extremely successful. Because you desire something much more when you convince yourself you can't have it. The same is true in the bedroom, particularly if you and your spouse have been together for a long time and sex has become second nature. Rather than focusing on the end result, learn to appreciate the sensation of sex. Tease yourself—and your partner—as much as you want. Take off your clothes, turn off the lights, and take turns examining each other's bodies. Not only that, but you'll be so delighted towards the end that you won't be able to bear it. If you can, put it off for a night or two to let the excitement develop.

4. Incorporate a few thrills.

It's easy to get lethargic in bed after a few years together. You both, on the other hand, are deserving of better. New and daring activities have been shown to promote the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter involved in sexual desire. Do something risky outside the bedroom, and your dopamine levels—and sex drive—may spike. Go pump some iron or challenge your spouse to a heart-pounding activity like rock climbing or white-water rafting.

According to Putri Cinta, exercise also allows you to tune in to your body while tuning out the rest of the world. Weight training and Pilates, which require you to concentrate on your muscles and form, are particularly beneficial in this regard.

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